It has been some time...
It has been some time since I felt so exhilarated and intoxicated with incessant happiness at that instant moment I received that particular paper...
29 Dec 2006 - The day that will leave a significant imprint in my memories as I finally passed my class 3 driving test and obtained my much coveted license. It was a wish come true; a wish that I have been anticipating it for the past 6 months. I was so excited and joyous when I received the assessment checklist from the hands of the examiner, showing that I passed the test with 6 demerit points, 34 points short from my first driving test on 5 Dec.

First driving test results

Second driving test results
Recalling the night before the test, I did a revision of the proper driving procedures and look through my mistakes. I even went for extra lessons before the test to regain my confidence and better my driving skills.
On the day of the test, I woke up feeling very nervous. Hence, I tuned in to symphony 92.4, listened to classical music as I did a final revision of my mistakes. I met my instructor at the petrol kiosk beside BBDC at 8am where he handed me his car insurance and wished me good luck. Thereafter, I proceeded to the second storey but found myself to be too early. Feeling nervous, I took a breather outside BBDC facing the circuit as I tuned in to 92.4. I was scanning the layout of the circuit, observing the traffic signals, road signs, danger area etc. At about 8.15am, I went up to submit my PDL, IC, the car insurance and the test receipt before everybody taking the test at 8.25am were gathered inside the room for a briefing by one of the examiner.
Your fate of getting which instructor and test route depends on the outcome of the balloting process. On the board are the names of all examiners and test routes assigned to them. So, the first person will be assigned to the first examiner and so on. Basically, they placed the test receipts of each candidate in a box. Any examiner will randomly pick the first receipt. Next, the person who was picked will pick the next one and so on. I was so close (just one name away) to getting back the same examiner! What a close shave!
My examiner this time round gave me a fierce look. When he entered the room, he raised his voice and said 'Low Yizong, come!' I was quite shock though. However this examiner was helpful in the sense that I will point to the direction he wants me to go but he is impatient. Most of the time he was rushing me but I ignored him. I would rather get 2 demerits from 'delay in moving off' than getting 8 demerits or even more from causing obstruction from others. I got my other 4 demerits from turning wheel while stationary and wide turning.
Whichever the case, yesterday was the time that I drove with extra caution, care and consideration for other road users. I felt that it was the best effort that I have given; one of the best driving experiences I have ever had. Every time I approach a traffic junction, bend, pedestrian crossing or stop-line, I will make sure I assess the traffic conditions around me and check the mirrors and blind spot for safety as I don't want my negligence or carelessness from me. A simple motorcyclist who just zoom pass you when u are turning could foil your plan.
The other time, I committed 2 immediate failures (mistakes that are grave, failing on the spot) namely failure to stop before stop-line and failure to give way to pedestrian. Contributing to my bad score was mistakes like rolling off stop, not confirming safety, not slowing down when approaching road hazards and the list goes on. The accumulation of these small mistakes costs me 40 demerit points. When I went home my brother teased me, my mum asked me why score was so bad while my aunts were shocked at my result.
But this is not the case this time round. My instructor said that my score was beautiful (meaning excellent) and my relatives were proud of my score. My hard work really paid off. For those out there learning to drive or have gotten your license, I urge you all to observe proper road safety. For those taking the test, I wish you all the best. Just drive confidently and cautiously, observing the traffic rules.
29 Dec 2006 - The day that will leave a significant imprint in my memories as I finally passed my class 3 driving test and obtained my much coveted license. It was a wish come true; a wish that I have been anticipating it for the past 6 months. I was so excited and joyous when I received the assessment checklist from the hands of the examiner, showing that I passed the test with 6 demerit points, 34 points short from my first driving test on 5 Dec.

First driving test results

Second driving test results
Recalling the night before the test, I did a revision of the proper driving procedures and look through my mistakes. I even went for extra lessons before the test to regain my confidence and better my driving skills.
On the day of the test, I woke up feeling very nervous. Hence, I tuned in to symphony 92.4, listened to classical music as I did a final revision of my mistakes. I met my instructor at the petrol kiosk beside BBDC at 8am where he handed me his car insurance and wished me good luck. Thereafter, I proceeded to the second storey but found myself to be too early. Feeling nervous, I took a breather outside BBDC facing the circuit as I tuned in to 92.4. I was scanning the layout of the circuit, observing the traffic signals, road signs, danger area etc. At about 8.15am, I went up to submit my PDL, IC, the car insurance and the test receipt before everybody taking the test at 8.25am were gathered inside the room for a briefing by one of the examiner.
Your fate of getting which instructor and test route depends on the outcome of the balloting process. On the board are the names of all examiners and test routes assigned to them. So, the first person will be assigned to the first examiner and so on. Basically, they placed the test receipts of each candidate in a box. Any examiner will randomly pick the first receipt. Next, the person who was picked will pick the next one and so on. I was so close (just one name away) to getting back the same examiner! What a close shave!
My examiner this time round gave me a fierce look. When he entered the room, he raised his voice and said 'Low Yizong, come!' I was quite shock though. However this examiner was helpful in the sense that I will point to the direction he wants me to go but he is impatient. Most of the time he was rushing me but I ignored him. I would rather get 2 demerits from 'delay in moving off' than getting 8 demerits or even more from causing obstruction from others. I got my other 4 demerits from turning wheel while stationary and wide turning.
Whichever the case, yesterday was the time that I drove with extra caution, care and consideration for other road users. I felt that it was the best effort that I have given; one of the best driving experiences I have ever had. Every time I approach a traffic junction, bend, pedestrian crossing or stop-line, I will make sure I assess the traffic conditions around me and check the mirrors and blind spot for safety as I don't want my negligence or carelessness from me. A simple motorcyclist who just zoom pass you when u are turning could foil your plan.
The other time, I committed 2 immediate failures (mistakes that are grave, failing on the spot) namely failure to stop before stop-line and failure to give way to pedestrian. Contributing to my bad score was mistakes like rolling off stop, not confirming safety, not slowing down when approaching road hazards and the list goes on. The accumulation of these small mistakes costs me 40 demerit points. When I went home my brother teased me, my mum asked me why score was so bad while my aunts were shocked at my result.
But this is not the case this time round. My instructor said that my score was beautiful (meaning excellent) and my relatives were proud of my score. My hard work really paid off. For those out there learning to drive or have gotten your license, I urge you all to observe proper road safety. For those taking the test, I wish you all the best. Just drive confidently and cautiously, observing the traffic rules.