LiFe Is PrEcIOuS...VaLUe THoSe ArOuNd U...

22 August 2008

link about personality...

19 August 2008

Life just goes on....

School as already started and climbing its way into week 3. Things are not as smooth flowing as it is compared to the days as a freshie. Learning has to be more independent on my part now as I am into year 2 as a chemistry major. There used to be tutorials every alternate week but not now anymore. The good thing is that the time can be used to do other stuff. The bad thing is that I learn through tutorials. What am I going to do???

And the content is definitely much harder especially for organic chemistry. Sometimes I wonder do I really want to study that hard? Or should I just put in my best? Graduating with a good honours only mean that u will get a good head start in your career. Ultimately, it is your performance and attitude towards work that will path your way for a promotion, up the corporate ladder.

And I have totally given up my hope of being in the NUS badminton team. My passion was there but I am just not that good to be part of the IVP team I guess. so badminton will remain as a recreational game for me.

As everyday pass, I wish that time would run slower or even stop but it doesn't happen in real life. We have to manage and plan our time wisely for work will expand to fill the time resulting in procrastination.

Occasionally, I ask myself how can I be a better person? How can I get the most out of my life in university? A special missing element is so near yet so far. It is all about me whether or not to take the first step to approach it but am I really worthy of it? Will I be happy? Will others be happy? Should I interfere with nature?

05 August 2008

猜不透 by 丁当

Very nice song....i can listen to it for the whole day also can...currently favorite song!!!






Milestone of my life....03/08/2008