Yesterday was the first time I went to Orchard Road to witness Chingay parade...I and my gf went there shortly after our dinner at about 7pm to get a nice position when lots of people were still walking around...there we waited and waited till 8.30pm before a loud bang signalled the start of the was a meteoric explosive display of firecrackers!People started to squeeze one another towards the barrier to get a view of the parade...the parade displayed groups from Malaysia, Japan, Taiwan, Angola, Korea, Africa with their own unique cultures, styles...there were even performing groups from Raffles JC, Hwa Chong JC, SAF music and drama club etc....Before the floats came rolling in, there were people doning dog costumes symbolising the dog year...Some 'dogs' had their long tongue sticking out and I couldn't help but laugh...I like those floats that are blasting loud music with scores of people dancing in big groups, bringing out their own style of dance...The parade ended around 9.30pm..went for an ice-cream break and proceeded to the grand stand to soak in the atmosphere...people, especially Malay teens were break-dancing to the beat of the music...interested on-lookers crowd around the 'street performers' and cheered them on while I found myself a seat somewhere on the grandstand...from there, I can get a nice view of the things happening on the ground....It has been a long time since I felt such a exuberant atmosphere...Check out the
official website for chingay 2006 for videos, pictures and achrives for the past parades: