LiFe Is PrEcIOuS...VaLUe THoSe ArOuNd U...

31 March 2007

Ex-4A Knights BBQ Gathering...

It was such a disappointment that only a few friends stayed till the very end, way past midnight. The expected attendance was 20 but only about 15 turned up. Out of these few, 11 proved to be loyal and supportive friends. They are mark, chien wen, wei jie, yong kang, ye wei, alvin, qing zhong, michelle, siew ping, regina and myself. There was a obvious distinct separation between my ex classmates.

The event was organised by yk; a bbq cum gathering at West coast park bbq pit 3. At first, I was considering whether I should go as I had tuition commitment on Friday. Nonetheless, hearing that the gathering was meant for ex-sec class mates and it has been some time since I saw and hear from them, I postponed my tuition class to the following week.

For me, it was a day of excitement in the very beginning but disappointment towards the end. Is this the kind of friendship we get after knowing each other for more than 4/5 years, some even more than that. It was really through this event that true friendship came to light.

Given the chance and time to meet again, only the loyal few will be invited. To the organiser, it was truly a waste of time and money. From the effort spent to plan the event, effort to contact everyone, effort to buy food, effort to book the place to effort spent to make then event a fulfilling one.

Dun worry about those who were absent, treasure the true friendship that we built upon….


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