Exams coming!!!
Its high time since I last blogged....really nothing to blog abt the mundane routine school life in Faculty of Science, the same old pple I see everyday, the same old dreaded lab report I have to submit weekly, the same old timetable everyweek and time doesn't seem to be slowing down at all!!!
It almost coming to the end of the year, time for a new year resolution though...haiz...i always wanted to train myself to be more fit but didn't really take the effort to do that....btw I still have to clear my IPPT by my birthday next year which is less than 4?! months away...
After the exams, I will train hard, take the test and hopefully get a silver to get the renumeration of $200...haha....
It almost coming to the end of the year, time for a new year resolution though...haiz...i always wanted to train myself to be more fit but didn't really take the effort to do that....btw I still have to clear my IPPT by my birthday next year which is less than 4?! months away...
After the exams, I will train hard, take the test and hopefully get a silver to get the renumeration of $200...haha....
I wish i could be like u.. like so carefree in science. Although my course is Engineering Science it totally bears not a single bit of resemblance to your workload.. i have 6 projects!! 2 cleared liao.. another 2 due end of this week.. 1 due nxt mon and another one mid november.. And the tests are a killer too!! The bell curve has been severely distorted by our beloved foreigners and basically tt's why i get the sh*t end of the bell curve.. And finally the syllabus!! Seriously i think i'm in some accelerated programme lar.. basic programming up to loops finished in just 2 weeks! wad's the rush??!!
why why tell me why....???
Anonymous, at Wednesday, October 31, 2007 1:19:00 AM
bcos mine is a general degree...yours is a professional degree which requires more out of u....I agree with u abt the bell-curve thing...its so so so hard to get the grades u dream of...work hard!
Freehaven, at Sunday, November 04, 2007 4:10:00 PM
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