LiFe Is PrEcIOuS...VaLUe THoSe ArOuNd U...

27 January 2006

My Nokia 6610 phone has broke down...

It took my father $25 to repair a faulty IC card in it eventually...

My phone started to have problems here and there occasionally and I was so afraid that I might lose all my stuffs inside, especially those data in the calender and the messages that my gf dedicated to me. Of course, there are also lots of impt stuff in the achrive, templates and folders...

There were times when there was no response when I pressed the on/off button, times when it offs itself suddenly, times when it jammed, times when the volume of the phone was changing itself...

Panic strickened that the phone might be beyond reapir, my mum suggested me to get a new phone since her plan has reached maturity and an upgrade of plan/phone would be possible...
So she signed up for a new plan with comes with Nokia 6030 phone which I paid $38 for it...she gave me the phone while she continues with the new plan and old phone...

In the end, My original phone was saved but now I have switched to using the new is nice, black in colour, more buttons and shortcut keys, animated screensaver, radio...features almost the same as the old one....but the games and applications in it sucks...cant buy a camera phone as I am in army though..when I ORD, I will be getting a better phone with radio, bluetooth, MMC card to play MP3..

On a happier note, all my stuffs is happy that the msg are still there...


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