Found a part time job loh!!!!
I found a part time job that could last me through the holidays loh!!! It wasn't really difficult as I mass emailed the employers who were looking for part-timers compared to the other time where I had several interviews before I got a job..
This job is pretty simple, starting next thurs...Its a company dealing with children's magazine at Bt merah:
So when people place an order, we will pack the magazines accordingly (the gals there will do the job mostly) and do the delivery (guys bcos the mag are quite heavy), and majority of the orders are from primary school, maybe a few from popular...working days is mon to fri 9am to 6.30pm...
There is also a book fair coming up end of this month, which I am expected to help out selling the mag or helping to replenish the stock...will last 10 days from 30 may to 10 June, 10am-10pm at suntec...can come visit me and surprise me if u want..haha...
The boss is a very nice person, who throughout the interview, was like more of a fren than an employer...she was telling me how his son went thru the aerospace interview at NTU, without any prep, being asked qns like what is the difference btw aerospace and aeronautical, what you want to do after graduation (even the interviewers dun know as it is a new course and the first batch has not graduate)..den now his son left to study medicine overseas...also talked about what I am going to be in the future (teacher), how I got thru the MOE interview, what benefits I have as an award lasted ard an hour i think...more of like getting to know you more...
meanwhile still working at my uncle's place (near sim lim square) doing delivery coming friday and next tue/wed...get to drive van, lorry...lorry easier to park but van easier to drive bcos the biting point is easier to grasp...but driving both is fun! and time flies....
This job is pretty simple, starting next thurs...Its a company dealing with children's magazine at Bt merah:
So when people place an order, we will pack the magazines accordingly (the gals there will do the job mostly) and do the delivery (guys bcos the mag are quite heavy), and majority of the orders are from primary school, maybe a few from popular...working days is mon to fri 9am to 6.30pm...
There is also a book fair coming up end of this month, which I am expected to help out selling the mag or helping to replenish the stock...will last 10 days from 30 may to 10 June, 10am-10pm at suntec...can come visit me and surprise me if u want..haha...
The boss is a very nice person, who throughout the interview, was like more of a fren than an employer...she was telling me how his son went thru the aerospace interview at NTU, without any prep, being asked qns like what is the difference btw aerospace and aeronautical, what you want to do after graduation (even the interviewers dun know as it is a new course and the first batch has not graduate)..den now his son left to study medicine overseas...also talked about what I am going to be in the future (teacher), how I got thru the MOE interview, what benefits I have as an award lasted ard an hour i think...more of like getting to know you more...
meanwhile still working at my uncle's place (near sim lim square) doing delivery coming friday and next tue/wed...get to drive van, lorry...lorry easier to park but van easier to drive bcos the biting point is easier to grasp...but driving both is fun! and time flies....
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