LiFe Is PrEcIOuS...VaLUe THoSe ArOuNd U...

13 May 2009

first day of special term lab...

Today mark the start of my module before going to SEP...CM 3291 - a module which is primarily based on lab work, and assessment is based on lab reports, viva (oral exam), practical skill test and quiz...really looking forward to finishing it and I will be done with year 2, moving on to year 3!!! time really flies!!!!

Today also was my worst lab day ever...i almost blew up the fumehood!! just kidding!! while I was pouring some chemicals into a hot mixture, the mixture suddenly blew up like a volcano! Luckily, the hot chemicals was thrown upwards and I was protected partly by my lab coat and the fumehood cover. Some hot chemicals caught my neck but there was nothing serious..haha...the teaching assistant who helped me got rashes on his the end, the whole fume hood was splashed with some sort of dirty green mixture which can only be washed away by acetone...and my white lab coat became 101 dalmantions!! with lots of brown spots!!!

I had to redo the whole expt but luckily caught up with everyone who was 30 mins ahead of me and still had the chance to go off early...


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